
by Geniusin Ltd

Food & Drink


WHY DO BUSINESSES OFFER BUZZ2GET TO THEIR CUSTOMERS?Buzz2Get helps businesses engage with their customers and deliver an even better customer experience through ‘self-service’ options. WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT WHEN USING BUZZ2GET?Anywhere you spot one of our BuzzCodes with the Buzz2Get logo on it, you can expect access to relevant product information or the option to call over a member of staff in a quick and easy way as and when you need them. WHERE MIGHT YOU SPOT ONE OF OUR BUZZCODES? Anywhere where you might expect customer service - so keep your eyes open for them. However, to give you a little hint you might find them on signage for new home developments, in car dealerships on individual cars, on tables in restaurants, beach resorts, hotels and even retail stores.